In a world of trends and endless scrolling, I believe in creating communication pieces that feel authentic. Whether these are long-term identity systems, or ephemeral social media content; my goal is to always design with sincerity. Advertisements, as extensions of a brand, should carry the same authenticity as the brand itself. When the message is genuine, the connection and engagement follow naturally.

A good example of this was the promotion of Stefan Sagmeister’s “Why Beauty Matters” talk while I was working at the Chavón School of Design. Although I was not assigned the original poster, I convinced my team to replace existing posters that felt too safe by coming up with a new conceptually-driven version; which to my pleasant surprise lead to an in-person critique with Stefan, who reacted positively. Besides the starstruck moment of meeting a design hero (which in this case was also an indirect client), the new pieces triggered more engagement and curiosity in Chavón’s social media prior to the event.

This philosophy extends to all projects, big and small. Having worked as an in-house designer, I’ve gained valuable in-depth experience with brand extensions. This close contact has taught me to stay within guidelines while expanding on them, pushing boundaries and finding fresh ways to improve—especially where things feel too safe.

Case studies:
Why Beauty Matters: Stefan Sagmeister meets DR

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