If you’ve made it this far, congratulations—you’ve passed the “no one will read it anyway” test!
I hear that a lot. “People don’t have the patience for text. Keep it short. Let the visuals speak.” I even once heard what I consider to be a very reductive statement: “You’re a designer, not a writer” But what if I want to write? What if writing isn’t just an add-on but a core part of how I think and create?
As a like-minded colleague once advised me while discussing this: “Writing IS part of your skillset (and part of YOU), you’re perfectly right. So use it to your (and the world’s) advantage, please, and let no one tell you not to. If they do anyway, write even longer pieces.”
And so I took the advice and will insist on doing so, as you might have already noticed from all the text in the previous sites. Because some sensitivities can’t be fully expressed in visual form. Some ideas need words—full paragraphs, even. And if we only focus on the industry’s do’s and don’ts—on trimming everything down for the sake of efficiency—we risk losing individuality in the process.
I’ve been told that as a visual designer, I should let the work stand on its own. And yet, the more I hear this, the more I want to push back. Some might mistake this for trying to compensate for a lack of impact in the work itself. It’s not about over-explaining—it’s about digging into different layers of depth. More importantly, it’s about letting the human behind the work show through, something that feels increasingly rare but more valuable than ever.
This is an introduction for more words that will follow, the ones in which some thoughts, reflections and urgencies are made tangible.
I appreciate those who take the time to read, and I’m also curious about your words. If something here sparks your interest and you'd like to expand on it, please feel free to drop me a line—or make them several lines if needed, because they're more than welcome. ;)
Blog posts coming soon...