Thoughtful packaging:
Because we can come up with things that feel too pretty to be thrown away
Maybe not everyone curated empty bottles in their student house living room or collected labels in a small notebook like I did. But I bet many people can relate to an empty cookie tin repurposed as an organizer. Whether we see functional potential or aesthetic value, some things are just worth keeping.
It’s not just the first impression that makes a product stand out on the shelf; it’s also what’s left behind once the product is gone. Call it hoarding, call it appreciation—I’d be flattered if someone kept a piece of packaging I designed, just as I’ve considered bottles, cans, and labels too good to throw away.
Despite all the elements of Graphic Design that have transitioned to digital, packaging remains—and must remain—physical. But beyond its form, it’s also an opportunity to ask: What else can it offer beyond being the "outfit" of a product? Immersive, narrative-driven, memorable, worthy, honest—that’s the aim. How that takes shape is something we figure out together.
Thoughtful packaging:
Because we can come up with things that feel too pretty to be thrown away
Maybe not everyone curated empty bottles in their student house living room or collected labels in a small notebook like I did. But I bet many people can relate to an empty cookie tin repurposed as an organizer. Whether we see functional potential or aesthetic value, some things are just worth keeping.
It’s not just the first impression that makes a product stand out on the shelf; it’s also what’s left behind once the product is gone. Call it hoarding, call it appreciation—I’d be flattered if someone kept a piece of packaging I designed, just as I’ve considered bottles, cans, and labels too good to throw away.
Despite all the elements of Graphic Design that have transitioned to digital, packaging remains—and must remain—physical. But beyond its form, it’s also an opportunity to ask: What else can it offer beyond being the "outfit" of a product? Immersive, narrative-driven, memorable, worthy, honest—that’s the aim. How that takes shape is something we figure out together.
Project 1 Sodales: Malesuada09–24–1953
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum maximus odio eleifend risus luctus varius. Suspendisse et nulla nec sapien sagittis blandit. Nulla eu ultrices ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In imperdiet augue sit amet lacinia blandit. Morbi venenatis et lorem convallis pharetra. Ut nulla dolor, posuere at nisi in, congue tristique urna. Nunc volutpat ultricies veli.
Sodales: Malesuada
Nulla: Sapien
Proin: Dignissim
Project 1 Sodales: Malesuada09–24–1953
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum maximus odio eleifend risus luctus varius. Suspendisse et nulla nec sapien sagittis blandit. Nulla eu ultrices ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In imperdiet augue sit amet lacinia blandit. Morbi venenatis et lorem convallis pharetra. Ut nulla dolor, posuere at nisi in, congue tristique urna. Nunc volutpat ultricies veli.
Sodales: Malesuada
Nulla: Sapien
Proin: Dignissim